About this blog ....

After following some serious blogs for a year or so, I thought that I'd try my hand at blogging.  Seems that you don't have to be an expert on any subject - you just have to think that something is interesting enough - and hopefully others think that what you say is interesting too.  So this blog of mine has several "components" - relating to the parts of my life that I am interested in and passionate about.  No, you will not find any mathematics here because although that is one of my interests, I generally stink at it and there are so many outstanding math blogs out there that I would fail miserably at it.  This blog is organized using tabs along the top row, so that you can look at it in various ways - each relating to the component that you may find interesting.  The "Recent Posts" provides you with a historical sequence of entries.  The "Index" provides a way for you to go directly to items organized by the components of this blog.  The other tabs are just essays talking about each component and my relationship with it.  For example "Photography" is an essay - dedicated to Em Gorman the person who started my love of photography at the age of 16.  Sid and Em Gorman were the kindest of people and were the benefactors of my family when we arrived destitute in the USA.

Another component has to do with food and drink - as I like saying it - "in many languages as possible". Based on the friends I have, I feel that I am pretty good at food and drink (consuming it as well as producing it) - and the Burmese angle helps!  My better half J2 has fanned the fire and raised the bar with her fabulous taste and knowledge in a multitude of international cuisines - particularly Yankee, Chinese and Thai.  Most of the food related blog is due to her continuing research, experimentation, encouragement and other proddings.  Please check out the foodie essay - dedicated to J2 of course.  Hope you enjoy it.

As I continue to take pictures and write recipes, I would very much encourage you to try the recipes and let me know how you did.  Please just remember to credit the recipe to me (or to the author whom i provide credit to).  Some of the photographs are "digitally watermarked".  That means that they are signed digitally (with stuff laced inside the photograph itself) - so that their ownership can be traced back to me.  Even copies and reductions etc.  The signature is embedded by using a product from Digimarc Corporation and there is a free download you can use to see what the watermark looks like by downloading the "reader" from the bottom of the page here.  I used to work for Digimarc - and its an excellent product.  I highly recommend it if you have pictures to share on the net - especially if you want to control their distribution (for example if you want to sell them or rights to them).  Please feel free to contact me to discuss various ways by which you can use/purchase/obtain rights to the images which are watermarked here.  The recipes are not watermarked - and are on the honor system.

Bon Appetit!


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