Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Folded Cake "Khauk Moan(t)" (Burmese)

Sitting on a brick
        The woman fans a small fire which itself is surrounded by bricks
A little fortress holding up
   ... the flat pan which she has just whisked with a scant amount of butter
                    Payment rendered, we watch her choreographed movements with anticipation
                    The mastery of the folded cake

Friday, November 9, 2012

Gem Identification

Find a stone....

Rub it gently until all the dirt has been removed

Sometimes you can find bright colors that way.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Thursday, November 1, 2012

A cup of Pu'erh.

Last year, thanks to several outstanding blogs (and to several outstanding sources),  I was able to effectively reduce my cholesterol level.  Perhaps it was my very kind (and immensely patient and understanding) physician's treatments, but I am going to credit this particular success to tea.  I don't think I will be rescinding that decision anytime soon.